Pre-Service Teacher Services
Experiences of trauma can have a significant impact on students of all ages, interfering with self-regulation, coping with stress, learning, and developing positive relationships. It is paramount for pre-service teachers to learn about trauma-informed, equity-centered practices before entering the workforce. In understanding how trauma and inequity impact student behavior and learning, they can respond with empathy and effective strategies, fostering resilience and academic success in safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environments.
Pre-Service Teacher Foundational Training
Our Trauma-Informed Futures© Pre-Service Teacher Training is tailored for aspiring educators in undergraduate and graduate school, preparing them for their future roles in educational settings. This training is essential for participants who are new to trauma-informed practices or seeking a refresher course before entering their teaching professions.
This training is essential for participants who are new to trauma-informed practices or seeking a refresher course before entering their teaching professions.
Led by Resilient Futures Executive Trainers, this training focuses on enhancing the capacity and sustainability of future educators to integrate trauma-informed practices into their teaching approaches. It equips them with the necessary knowledge and resources to seamlessly integrate trauma-informed services into classroom and school-wide practices, ensuring continuity in educational settings.
We employ our proprietary Trauma-Informed framework to address trauma in today’s world - influenced by the evidenced-informed Healthy Environments and Response to Trauma in Schools (HEARTS) conceptual framework (Dorado et al., 2016). Participants will explore trauma science and biology, gaining insight into evidence-based strategies to mitigate the long-term effects of trauma on students. Rooted in neuroscience and resilience research, trauma-informed practices are adaptable and tailored to diverse school communities, empowering future educators to create safer, more supportive learning environments for every student.
We prioritize Adult Wellness, providing participants with skills to address burnout and secondary trauma commonly experienced by educators. By integrating essential concepts for trauma-informed educators and leveraging our trauma-informed framework, aspiring educators will leave with a robust set of Learning Tools to positively impact student well-being and academic success.
This training is customizable to meet the diverse needs of future educators, offering adapted versions for different specialties, including paraeducators, school-based mental health professionals, speech and language specialists, special education (SPED), and aspiring school leaders.
Duration: 10 hours conducted over 3 to 4 in-person sessions for optimal engagement and retention.
Pre-Service Teacher Professional Development Deep Dives
Our Trauma-Informed Futures© Professional Development Deep Dive Series is designed specifically for pre-service teachers and educators in graduate and post-graduate environments. Building upon the foundational knowledge acquired from our Trauma-Informed Futures© Foundational Training, this series offers ongoing professional learning opportunities tailored to equip pre-service educators to bring trauma-informed knowledge and practices into their future school communities.
We will delve deeply into essential topics such as Cultural Humility, Pedagogy, and Trauma-Informed Teaching practices. Unlike surface-level discussions, our sessions focus on practical strategies and techniques, empowering pre-service Educators with the skills needed to thrive in diverse classroom environments. From modeling self-regulation skills to fostering student empowerment, our comprehensive approach ensures a progressive training experience.
These sessions seamlessly complement our Foundational Training, providing continuous growth and development as you embark on your career path in education.
Our Professional Development Deep Dives typically range from 2 to 8 hours per academic year. They are typically facilitated after our Trauma Informed Futures Foundational Training for Pre-Service Educators.